Parent to Parent Addiction Services Inc.
325 B. W. Washington Ave., Washington, NJ, 07882
Phone: (908)223-1951 Email:
HOPE ONE: Parent to Parent launches Warren County Hope One Initiative. Hope One in collaboration with the County of Warren, WC Sheriff, Prosecutor and Washington Twp. Police, Mansfield Police & Blairstown Police will offer free narcan trainings (walk up, get trained, leave with a nasal spray kit), Warren County resources, recovery coaches and offer help to loved ones or anyone suffering from substance use wanting to go to straight to treatment that day. Hope One Recovery Van times and locations are listed on our event calendar. RECOVERY HAPPENS!
Operation Helping Hand is funded through the State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General whereby law enforcement officers pay an active role in connecting individuals suffering from opioid addiction with vital treatment, recovery and/or support services.
Parent to Parent works with Warren County Operation Helping Hand. The collaboration between law enforcement officers, recovery specialists and mental health/addiction professionals to connect individuals suffering from the disease of addiction to treatment and/or recovery support services in the battle to save lives and end the opiate crisis.